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Before laying out a vision for the future of our great nation, I will first explain the deliberate and chronic failures that have pushed us to the edge of societal chaos. The failed policies of the last several decades were envisioned and executed by human beings who live among us. Specifically, these human beings are the Federal Reserve Bank and Congress members who cast votes for policy, along with the executive leadership of the major Wall Street banks that we allow to advise on our personal and corporate finances. These individuals are directly responsible for the current path of destruction that faces our country.

The root cause of America’s ills today is the multi-decade policy of inflation and deficit spending. Clearly, the chief influencers of these destructive policies are the current and past Chairpersons of our nation’s Central Bank. To better understand why the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is the root cause of the problem, I submit to you the following quotes.

Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws.”

- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”

- Henry Kissinger

To understand the dangers of a deliberate policy of inflation, we must first understand the definition of inflation. According to The New Webster Encyclopedic Dictionary of the English Language (Copyright 1971), the definition of INFLATION IS A SHARP INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF MONEY AND CREDIT CAUSING ADVANCES IN THE PRICE LEVEL.There are numerous means of achieving inflation. The three primary means are through monetary policy, fiscal policy and market intervention policy. The market intervention policy is used to create a temporary “wealth effect” that allows the amount of available money and credit to sharply increase. Similarly, by lowering interest rates to ZERO or NEGATIVE percent, there will be a predictable and resultant sharp increase in the amount of money and credit that is loaned into circulation. The fiscal recklessness and deficit spending by Congress also creates a sharp increase in the supply of money and credit that is forced into spending. The inevitable result of the monetary, fiscal and market intervention inflationary policies is an “advance in the price level” according to the Webster definition. Eventually, the advances in the price level become too rapid and can no longer be controlled. Once this hyperinflation initiates, collapse of that nation’s society is not far behind.

Interestingly, the definition of inflation has been revised since 1971 and now eliminates the prerequisite “sharp increase in the supply of money and credit” that causes the advances in the price level. The Central Bankers are responsible for this subtle revision because the bankers themselves are responsible for the sharp increase in the supply of money. Therefore, the direct cause of the chronic and destructive inflation that ensues is by their intentional creation. I like to refer to the monetary, fiscal and market intervention policies as the three-headed monster. These three heads are the tools of the world’s Central Bankers to control the people of Planet Earth. Notice the trends below over the last several decades. These trends were not an accident or coincidence, but were the deliberate actions of specific individuals.

Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve Bank lowered the Federal Funds rate from 19% in 1981 to 0.0% in 2022. The last 40 years of inflationary monetary policy has steadily, deceptively, gradually, and sometimes sharply increased the supply of money and credit. The net result is that the value of the fiat green paper dollar has accelerated towards its inevitable worthlessness. The Fed’s zero percent interest rate (and even negative around the globe) has not been witnessed in over 5,000 years of monetary history. The human beings responsible for this intentional policy are the 12 voting members of the Federal Reserve Bank. There are many hundreds of men and women who have cast their votes for more inflation over the last 40 years. The modern day villain behind the Federal Reserve Bank is without a doubt, Ben S. Bernanke. The inflationist ideology of Helicopter Ben, as he is known, is the guiding light for the majority of the world’s Central Bankers. Ben Bernanke is arguably one of the most evil and destructive people alive today. To better understand Helicopter Ben’s intentions to “sharply increase the supply of money”, read his infamous Deflation: Making Sure “It” Doesn’t Happen Herespeech from November 2002 at

Fiscal Policy: The United States Congress increased the national debt from $1 Trillion in 1981 to $31 Trillion in 2022 for an over thirtyfold increase. The last 40 years of intentional inflationary fiscal policy has steadily, deceptively, gradually, and sometimes sharply increased the supply of money and credit. The net result is that the value of the fiat green paper dollar has accelerated towards its inevitable worthlessness. The United States national debt is the highest in the history of our nation and can no longer be repaid with honest money. There are many thousands of men and women who cast their votes for raising the national debt ceiling over the last 40 years. The modern day leader of the inflationary U.S. Congress is Senator Mitch McConnell. The deficit spending policy of Mr. McConnell is evident in his 32 career votes to increase the debt ceiling. His vote is representative of the entire Congress in Washington D.C. that has consistently steered us towards the fiscal cliff we face today.

Market Intervention Policy: The Wall Street bankers increased the S&P 500 Index from 115 in 1982 to 4,800 in 2022 for an over fortyfold increase. Over 40 years of interventionist policy has steadily, deceptively, gradually, and sometimes sharply increased the supply of money and credit. The net result is that the value of the fiat green paper dollar has accelerated towards its inevitable worthlessness. The rigged stock market bubble highs will be written in the history books as one the biggest (if not the biggest) bubble in history. There are many tens of thousands of men and women who have spewed deceptive and inappropriate investing advice over the last 40 years. The modern day CEOs of the Wall Street banking cartel are Jamie Dimon (JP Morgan Chase), Henry Paulson (Goldman Sachs), Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Richard Fuld (Lehman Brothers), John Mack (Morgan Stanley), Sandy Weill (Citigroup), Ken Lewis (Bank of America), James Cayne (Bear Sterns) and John Stumpf (Wells Fargo). The misuse of the American People’s retirement savings accounts by the Wall Street banks and their chain of command is one of the great failures of modern day investing.

Finally, on to the solutions and vision that will repair the great damage that the voting members of the Federal Reserve Bank and Congress, along with the executive leadership of the major Wall Street banks, have surreptitiously inflicted upon the American and global citizens. The solution appears all too obvious. We must SUSTAINABLY end the failed policies that have brought us to the edge of collapse, namely the policies of chronic inflation and deficit spending. The American People must stop the current and future leaders of the Federal Reserve Bank, Congress and the Wall Street banks from hijacking our futures. Doing the right thing should be obvious. The American People should vote for the people who have a track record of not promoting inflation or deficit spending.

The old adage seems especially apropos. When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging. If the hole gets any deeper for America, then the walls will surely begin to collapse on to us.

The challenge will be to overcome the power, influence and brilliance of the people and entities referenced above who are currently in control. They use their intelligence and power to deceive, bribe and intimidate the vast majority of our citizens. The vision that can save the future of America must involve policies of sound money, limited government, balanced budgets, defense of the U.S. Constitution and self-reliance. These pillars of prosperity have guided the brave and brilliant Congressman Ron Paul when he casted his votes in Congress. They are the alternative ideologies to the inflation and deficit spending that has corrupted our country over the last several decades. This vision is needed to restore a happy, healthy and wealthy America!

When select individuals control the supply of a nation’s currency, the majority of citizens of that nation must be fearful. The predictable and catastrophic damage that results from inflationist policies throughout history is well documented. The time is now to immediately stop the people who are responsible for accelerating America towards destruction. The Federal Reserve Bank is the foremost head of the three-headed monster, and Congress and the Wall Street banks are their willing servants. Do not be deceived, bribed or intimidated any longer. The Green Paper Revolution has arrived!!

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